#BeYourOwn Interview With Jessica Schatz

[as originally published on beyourown.org]


Jessica Schatz, The Core Expert®️, uses her extensive knowledge, skill, and heart to motivate others to live better, happier lives. Her diverse clientele includes professional athletes, dancers, actors, as well as anyone who desires transformation into optimal wellness. She’s worked with fashion mogul Ashley Olsen, NBA star Wesley Matthews, former NFL linebacker Shaun Phillips, the cast of Hamilton, the company of Wicked (while in residency at Los Angeles’ Pantages Theatre), and members of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

Jessica is the daughter of world-renowned photographer Howard Schatz, known for his depiction of the human body (featured in outlets like Time, Sports Illustrated, Vogue, GQ, and The New York Times Magazine, and others). She and her father share an enormous appreciation for the human form and all of its potential.

Now based in Los Angeles, the native San Franciscan graduated cum laude from San Jose State University. She received Classical East Coast Pilates training and certification from direct protégés of the famed Romana Kryzanowska, and is now a Master Pilates Instructor. Jessica has also earned certifications as a JOGA® Coach (“Yoga for Jocks”), Biomechanics Coach, Integrative Wellness Coach, and trained as a Yoga Instructor in Vinyasa Flow and Restorative practices. Her professional dance career has included working with the famed Limon West, Tandy Beal & Company, American Musical Theatre of San Jose, Opera San Jose, and others.

Jessica created ‘The Core Expert®️ Method - Where Spirit Aligns with Science.’ Her work is distinguished in the health and wellness communities for an innovative integrative methodology and teaching of the Body Mind Spirit connection. Her well-rounded, holistic “wellness practice” embraces vital basic modalities in a unique and effective method to address the whole person – mind, body, spirit. The Core Expert®️ approach is rooted in Pilates and draws upon elements of Yoga, bio-mechanics, mindfulness, meditation, physiology, holistic nutrition, and other systems and practices. In her practice, Jessica combines her depth of scientific knowledge of the physical core with a highly defined intuitive sense of the inner core of each person.

Jessica is frequently invited to speak at retreats, conferences, on panels, podcasts, and participate on TV and radio programs, and is a popular contributor to many health and fitness publications such as (PARADE; "THE DOCTORS; PEOPLE).

Hey Jessica, can you introduce yourself to us?

I’m Jessica Schatz – owner and founder of The Core Expert®️ - Where Spirit Aligns with Science. I also run Body by Jessica®, and Champion Pilates™, a company targeted to elite professional athletes and dancers. I am a Master Pilates instructor, yoga teacher, JOGA® coach, Biomechanics coach, an Integrative Wellness coach, and a former professional dancer. My personal and professional goal is to teach everyone and anyone to live a better life through optimal health and wellness.

Can you take us through your journey to where you are now?

From the earliest age, movement was the most innate part of my being.  It was as elemental and intuitive as breathing – as if that’s what made  my heartbeat. Movement was – and still is – my life force, my medicine, and it’s what most powerfully unites my body, mind, and spirit.

I  studied dance at a very early age. I attended college as a dance major,  focusing on performance. At the same time, I immersed myself in the study of all the sciences behind my artistic pursuit: anatomy, biology,  physiology, and kinesiology. I wanted to understand everything about how my body was doing all the things it was doing. During this time, I was  also introduced to Pilates and yoga. Their benefits for me were enormous. I later began teaching them as my “day job” while I continued to be a professional dancer.

At 30, I had a career-ending knee injury. Being a  professional dancer was my identity! I had essentially been living, breathing, and eating dance my entire life. This was an extremely  difficult time, as my world had been suddenly shaken to the core. But somehow, I dug deep into myself and found a tiny light that still wanted to shine. I decided to turn my “day job” into my career and do  something for others that, at the same time, I needed to do for myself: feel well in body, mind, and spirit.

It became my mission to help as many people as I could to live better lives through optimal health and wellness.

Through many years of teaching Pilates, yoga, and other techniques and practices, I continued to study, learn, and teach – biomechanics,  nutrition, meditation, and other wellness practices. I loved working with athletes and dancers, and even developed a specific program and company dedicated  solely to that market. But I soon found how I loved and got so much out of working with so many different kinds of people. I wanted to expand my practice and offer my services to everyone, from the very young, to elders experiencing challenges such as Parkinson’s. As a master Instructor and health and wellness coach, it is my passion to guide  others – no matter their age, abilities, challenges, and stage in life – to a life where the feel better, function better, and live better.

I found that if we can find a way to keep going, our light will shine brighter day-by-day, step-by-step.

What is a day in the life of you like as a Pilates instructor?

I wake up, I meditate, I move, I teach, I write, I read, I study, I create, I connect with people, and do my best to make aligned choices that support my health, well-being, and life’s purpose – not necessarily in that order.

You are the founder of CHAMPION PILATES™ and Body By Jessica, could you talk more in-depth about how your programs fuse Pilates, Exercise Physiology, and Kinesiology together?

I believe the connection between the body, mind, and mind and spirit is at the root of optimal health and wellness. My methodology expands upon Joseph Pilates’ essential principles and incorporates modern exercise science, biomechanics, yoga, full-body movement practices, and breathing and lifestyle practices. Therefore, my approach is integrative. One of my guiding principles is Spinal health controls function. My movement method  teaches full-body integration with a special focus on the spine – its movement in many planes and directions, how it must twist, bend, extend, and flex. I work with each individual to restore the natural curve of the spine, re-balance the muscles around the joints, and achieve pelvic, spinal, and scapular stabilization - as well as calm and healthy mind and heart. I address every person differently based on their specific needs. Whether a person works at a desk or in a sports arena, or just wants to be happier, my methodology teaches the critical biomechanics of movement, and an awareness of healing all areas of their unique life.. My approach is consistent with the findings of many health practitioners and researchers that long-term wellness results when the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – is properly addressed.

How does your ‘prehab’ approach support the correct development of muscle, whilst building resistance to muscle fatigue for your clients?

Injuries affect the physical and the emotional. No one likes to be in pain. ‘Prehab’ is about avoiding injury and eliminating the need for rehab. I assess the experience and body type of each student, with personalised, precise, and definitive adjustments for risk factors. I begin with an emphasis on the core. Movement and all healing starts with the core - the physical core and the inner - or “soul” core - of each individual. We concentrate on a heightened awareness of how the body feels, how best to control the body’s movement – this builds “mindful movement” — in order to accomplish an optimal function. The core determines a person’s posture, power, alignment, balance, control, circulation and mental and spiritual condition. Core strength improves joint stability and mobility, and improves performance, greatly lowering the risk of injury, while improving resilience, anxiety, stress, and depression.

Who does the team involve behind you?

First and foremost, I select individuals to work with me who understand and believe in my philosophy and mission. My team includes an assistant, digital marketing specialist, and a PR team.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I plan to be considered a valuable contributor to the health and wellness industry, and I want to offer opportunities to advance one’s health and wellness knowledge and practices.

What strategies do you have in place when looking at the expansion of your programmes?

My regular practice includes attending educational and professional conferences to stay abreast of cutting-edge developments and new modalities in the health and wellness and fitness industries.

I will continue to work with professional dancers, athletes, and general fitness enthusiasts, and continue my work with individuals dealing with Parkinson’s. People contact me all the time requesting my help, asking questions, or wondering if they can attend a session or class with me. I am currently developing an instructional web video series which will be available on my website and will be regularly updated and renewed. I will continue to do guest lectures, conduct sessions at retreats, spas, and at corporate offices, and write instructional blogs, articles, and books.

Can you tell us what areas you have struggled in professionally?

Like many human beings, I have dealt with anxiety and depression. This has given me great empathy for and understanding of others who experience these conditions. I committed myself to regain confidence and calmness and fulfil my responsibilities to teach and help my clients. I am highly sensitive and empathetic to someone who is going through anxiety, panic, or depression. Part of my path is to help people in any way I can. Being human is challenging. But I have learned to manage these challenges by staying committed to my work, my health and happiness so that I can continue to better understand myself and help others.

Have you ever had any other mentor? If so how has this benefitted you to grow?

I have been lucky to have a number of wonderful mentors in my life who challenged, inspired, and encouraged me to grow, take action, and find my own way. As much as possible, I stay connected to them and continue to appreciate the life-changing lessons they taught me.

What outlets do use to market your classes and workshops to gain new clients?

I utilize all social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Press publications, podcasts, interviews, and articles I write are available on my website and in press releases. I write a monthly blog which appears in my monthly newsletter, for which anyone can sign up on my website.

Which methods are you using to build your own support network?

I make it a point to stay connected to my community – to friends, family, and professional colleagues. This is an important part of making my life meaningful. When I am working or working out, I’m careful to get out in the world, reach out to my friends and have a conversation with people who share my ideas and values.

What do you believe are the common misconceptions about being a Pilates instructor?

Often people think my role is merely to give them “a good workout” or to strengthen their abs – that it really is just about the physical. In actuality, I teach and coach my own method which is rooted in all areas of my expertise, including the six core Pilates principles:







Many people think that all Pilates instructors teach the same thing. Since Pilates has become so mainstream, there have been so many deviations from the original method created by Joseph Pilates.

What would you like to see changed for millennials in business?

Always continue to educate yourself, knowledge is power.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

From Tony Robbins that it is not what we get, but who we become, what we contribute… that gives meaning to our lives.

What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far?

When you let go of your idea of what your life has to look like, your world gets so much bigger!

How do you create an evenly balanced work and personal life?

Time-management is challenging. I love what I do and want to do it, but have to remind myself to take time for self-care, community, fun, and downtime. Being consistent with my meditation practice definitely helps me stay on track. It provides clarity in taking the moment to tune in and be mindful, therefore helping me to create balance.

The highlight of your career so far?

One of the highlights of my career was working with a Parkinson’s patient. He left our session happier, with more color in his face, more control over his movements, and his body, mind, and spirit felt better. Most importantly, I saw improvement in his self-esteem. The experience of contributing to and seeing his progress was incredibly gratifying.

Another highlight was working with NBA shooting guard Wesley Matthews to help him recover from Achilles surgery. After working with me all summer, he made a full recovery and got signed to a four-year deal with another pro team. It’s exciting for me to see Wesley get to do what he loves, especially at such a high level.

What gives you ultimate career satisfaction?

Any time I help someone to live a better life, that is fulfilling for me. For example, my mom in her forties suffered from low back pain, hip pain, and sciatica. She started to do Pilates with me regularly, and years later, in her seventies, she is pain-free and has a high-functioning body. I’m always satisfied when I’ve helped anyone to Feel better, Function better, and Live better, especially my mom.

What challenges have you seen to have been presented during the growth of launching Pilates for Athletes & Dancers?

The market is saturated and the industry is huge. The challenge has been to become more visible so that I can reach more people.

Which other leading entrepreneurs and pioneering game changers do you also admire and why?

I really admire Robert Holden, Ph.D. His innovative work on psychology-spirituality-happiness – and their integration is incredibly inspiring. In fact, soon I’m attending a conference led by Dr. Holden to learn how to bring more of these integrative principles to my work. I also admire and look up to my friend and colleague Jana Webb, creator of JOGA®. Her drive and tenacity are like nothing I’ve ever seen. Her program is brilliant and has led me to work as a JOGA®, coach. Also, in collaboration with Jana, I created a program specifically for JOGA® based on my Pilates for Athletes methods.

What is a good article or book you have read recently?

I highly recommend a book I just finished: ‘Trading in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong’ by Dr. Norman Fischer.

What does your Podcast playlist look like?

After being interviewed for the podcast ‘Keep Moving Forward’, I started to listen to their other interviews and have been inspired learning about current and former athletes who continue to do great things with their lives. I also love the MindBodyGreen podcast, Lori Harder’s Earn Your Happy, and Oprah’s Super Soul conversations.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

I succeed when it’s clear to me that I have helped someone feel better, function better and live better by understanding and applying the Body-Mind-Spirit connection. Therefore, I am successful when I am truly fulfilling my purpose to inspire and help people.

What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?

For me, it’s about following your joy, living your purpose, and pursuing your path to an authentic life. I appreciate that BEYOUROWN is a forum for people to share and learn of the women interviewed and how they contribute to, support, and inspire other women.

Lastly, what is next for you?

I am excited about my online video instructional series. It is how I help people from all walks of life as there is literally something for everyone!

Website: https://www.jessicaschatz.com

Follow Jessica on Instagram @jessicaschatz @thecoreexpert

Twitter: @BodyByJessica

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybyjessicala

For speaking, teaching, and press inquiries: info@jessicaschatz.com

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