How Pilates Engages and Strengthens Your Core
Joseph Pilates believed that the core was the “powerhouse” of the body. In every Pilates session there is focus on core, since it is thought to be the key to a person’s stability. Therefore all Pilates sessions or workouts are inherently core workouts. Let’s dive into why core strength and Pilates are so great for the body.
A Pilates regimen will always include movements that not only support core strength and flexibility, but focus on it. You will develop muscle control, proper posture, and strength development by engaging the core. For these reasons Pilates and core work is helpful for everyone, from beginners to athletes who are training for sports or people who are in physical rehabilitation after an injury or medical setback.
Remember, Pilates isn't only for fitness fanatics. It's actually a welcoming way for anyone no matter their fitness level to build strength in your core muscles for better posture, balance and flexibility.
The Core Expert™ Series Introduction
The benefits of Pilates are many, but most of the benefits focus on your core. By practicing Pilates regularly you can achieve a plethora of health benefits, like greater core strength and stability, more flexibility, better balance and posture, and you can even prevent and treat back pain. In short, your core is the key to your health and Pilates is the key to your core!
Core strength is one of the most vital physical components we can develop. Strength and flexibility, particularly of the abdomen and back muscles, are key in any effective Pilates program and they are key to your health.
Pilates core workout videos and Pilates core workouts at home help with posture as well. As many of us are spending more time in front of screens or seated at computers our posture can suffer. You may also experience lower back pain or back problems.
Pilates Strengthens Your Core - And Your Entire Body
Strengthening your core through Pilates, whether it’s online Pilates videos, online Pilates classes, or with a Pilates instructor, will do so much more than help you get defined abs. Pilates will strengthen your core and thereby strengthen your entire body. Improved core strength also means a stronger back and reduced tension in the neck, lower back, and all over the body.
Pilates focuses on the mind-body connection and will train you to be conscious of your core, your abdominal muscles and your pelvic flood, areas of the body we often disconnect from day to day. Pilates core exercises should cue you to “pull your navel to your spine," “engage your pelvic floor," and other carefully guided practices.
In conclusion, don’t neglect the core of your body. Check out one of my Pilates videos or at home tutorials today and begin your journey by strengthening your mind, body, and spirit from your core all throughout your body.