Keep Moving Forward Podcast: Interview with Jessica Schatz, The Core Expert®️

In the 129th episode of Keep Moving Forward, I interview founder of Body by Jessica and former professional dancer, Jessica Schatz.

“I believe that everyone has the opportunity to live a better life. You just have to want to.” As a former professional dancer, Jessica finds her joy in helping athletes rehabilitate themselves and develop the mental fortitude to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles they might face. Noting that “there were times where it was just about powering through”, Jessica understands firsthand that the mind requires just as much, if not more, strength development than the physical self.

Jessica has dedicated her life to inspiring others to feel better, function better, and live better, and I am thankful that she shared her story with us today. I hope you all enjoy my interview with Jessica Shatz.

Article here:

Follow Jessica on Instagram @jessicaschatz.
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PodcastsRick Krusky